Let’s Talk: A Secret to Less Fighting and More Listening

Cover photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels
Written by Rian Gordon
If you are in a relationship, chances are, you and your partner have disagreements. But how do you keep those disagreements from turning into flat-out fights?
Would you believe me if I told you that the success of an argument starts even before you’ve brought up a disagreement? In a research study by John Gottman and Sybil Carrèr, they discovered that the majority of arguments end on the same note they start on (1999). In other words, a rocky start will most likely lead to a rocky end. This doesn’t mean that you are doomed if you start a disagreement off on the wrong foot, but it DOES mean that there are things you can do to help set a discussion with your partner up for success! 
The key to this is what is known as a soft start-up. A soft start-up involves beginning the conversation in a way that facilitates an open mind and heart for both you and your partner. It encourages safe and healthy communication rather than causing defensiveness and frustration. Soft start-ups are excellent for developing trust and emotional connection in your relationship as you navigate differences and the ups-and-downs of everyday life. 
Here are a few elements of soft start-ups that you can practice using in conversations with your partner to help you have more successful conversations when you disagree. 


Photo by Eduardo Simões Neto Junior from Pexels


The setting in which you bring up a disagreement can make or break your ability to have a productive conversation with your partner (Prep Inc.. 2015)! Before you bring up a disagreement, consider these questions:
  • Are we in a place where both my partner and I can feel safe (physically AND emotionally)?
  • Is my partner distracted right now?
  • Do we have an appropriate level of privacy for the conversation I would like to have?
  • Is either of us extra tired or hungry?
It isn’t always possible to create or wait for a perfect setting in which you and your partner can have a calm and effective conversation. However, discussing a disagreement in a time and place that are more conducive to healthy communication can set the stage for a softer start-up and more productive results. 

Body language 

The way you say something is just as (if not more) important than what you say when it comes to bringing up a disagreement (Mlodinow, 2012). Your body language does a lot to set the tone for any conversation. Practice using body language that communicates your desire to connect with and feel understood your partner:
  • Facing your partner
  • Maintaining eye contact
  • Open, relaxed posture (closing off physically can be a sign of closing off emotionally)
  • Gentle, consensual physical touch (holding hands, placing your hand on your partner’s knee, etc.)
  • Using a calm tone of voice
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels

Actual Words

When you engage in a disagreement with your partner, it is important to express yourself clearly, and in a way that encourages engagement from your partner. This does NOT mean that you have to be dishonest about how you are feeling. However, there are ways in which you can present your personal feelings and experiences that invite your partner to listen and connect with you rather than getting defensive or shutting down.
Try implementing these principles when you are beginning a difficult conversation with your partner:
  • Take responsibility for your feelings
    • Use statements that begin with “I” rather than “you” (These are known as “I statements”). 
  • Complain, don’t criticize
    • Complaining involves identifying a specific behavior that bothers you. Criticizing involves attacking the character of your partner.
  • Express appreciation
    • Chances are, even if they are doing something that bothers you, there is something you can find to appreciate about your partner. Verbalizing this can help your partner know that you still recognize and appreciate how they ARE meeting your expectations, not just how they are falling short.
  • Be kind
    • This one speaks for itself.
Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels
Everyone wants to feel heard and listened to in their relationship, and using soft start-ups can help both you and your partner to feel more open to listening to and learning from each other, even when it comes to difficult conversations. 
Personal Practice 1Try implementing one or more of these elements of a soft start-up in a conversation with your partner this week. Notice how the rest of your conversation goes.


Carrère, S., & Gottman, J. M. (1999). Predicting divorce among newlyweds from the first three minutes of a marital conflict discussion. Family process, 38(3), 293–301. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1545-5300.1999.00293.x
Jon Beaty, C. (2020, April 21). A Couple’s Guide to Complaining. Retrieved July 11, 2020, from https://www.gottman.com/blog/a-couples-guide-to-complaining/
Lisitsa, E. (2018, November 21). How to Fight Smarter: Soften Your Start-Up. Retrieved July 10, 2020, from https://www.gottman.com/blog/softening-startup/?utm_source=instagram
Mlodinow, L. (2012, May 29). How We Communicate Through Body Language. Retrieved July 11, 2020, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/subliminal/201205/how-we-communicate-through-body-language
Prep Inc.. (2015). PREP 8.0 Leader Guide, Version 1.3. Greenwood Village, CO: Author.
Rogers, S.L. and Others. (2018) I understand you fell that way, but I feel this way: the benefits of I-language and communicating perspective during conflict. Retrieved March 14, 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5961625/




Rian Nicole Gordon is from Orem, Utah, and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Human Development. She has been married to her best friend Mark for five years, and they have two beautiful children, one boy and one girl. Apart from her full-time job as a stay-at-home mom, she works for The Dibble Institute, which specializes in relationship education for youth.

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The Essence of Being: Using Mindfulness to Enhance Romantic Relationships

*Cover photo by Derick Santos from Pexels
Written by Ellyse Winward of the BYU School of Family Life and Chelom Leavitt, Ph.D.
Autopilot can creep into a fast-paced life. Sometimes we arrive at home and wonder exactly how we got there. Sometimes we even walk in, kiss our loved one hello, and end up in front of the TV before we realize it. Even when we are trying to be intentional, we may have demanding tasks, emails piling up, and deadlines to fill. We seem to have no time to slow down and go on a walk or spend time chatting. Although we have a desire for a close and vulnerable relationship, the connection with our partner seems to stay a bit stagnant. 
Maybe this fast-paced life, sometimes lived on autopilot, is a practical response for desired “success” and we sense the pressure to fit our lives into the equation of doing more to achieve more. Unfortunately, success in our day is often measured in terms of better and faster, rather than quality of presence. To restore the magic and fan the spark in a romantic relationship, we need to slow down and be present. 
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
This happens when we set aside our to-do list in order to simply talk with and listen to a spouse—when we choose to be mindful and focus more on the essence of being. 
Mindfulness is an awareness of the present without analyzing the past or anticipating the future (Greater Good Science Center, 2020). In other words—it is the essence of being (Richardson, 2011).  It includes aspects of self-awareness, non-judgment, and presence. It’s slowing down. Letting go of distractions. Looking within.
Choosing to slow down can be challenging, since many of us prefer doing to being. One study showed individuals would rather inflict shock to themselves than be alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes (Wilson, et al., 2014). That’s how uncomfortable being alone with our thoughts can be—some would rather be shocked than quietly meditate. Perhaps our rapidly advancing society is numbing us from personal and relational awareness (Wygant, 2013). As seen in the illustration below, however, we have a choice to be “mind full” or mindful. 
Image from https://srwc-mb.ca/mindful/
So how exactly can one slow down? And what impact does it have on romantic relationships?

How Do I Slow Down?

Here are some ways to start slowing down:
Just breathe.
Breath is the center of a meditation practice. Our breath is constant, rhythmic, and relaxing. The breath can act like an anchor in the whirlwind of better and faster (Milliken, 2015). Imagine what would happen if we spent time with our partner just sitting and breathing together, noticing how the breath comes in and what it feels like when it goes out. Listening for how our breath aligns with our partner’s breath. Calm, connection, peace—that’s what this practice of just stopping to breathe can bring to the relationship (Pruitt, & McCollum, 2010). 
Practice being mindful in everyday moments.
Just like learning to play the piano or perfecting a family recipe, mindfulness improves with practice. Mindfulness is a practice, not a destination (Pruitt, & McCollum, 2010). The little things in a romantic relationship can be a great start. We can increase awareness when our hand lightly brushes against theirs. We can pay attention when giving our partner a hello kiss. How does it feel to connect after being apart? 
man-and-woman-holding-hands-3228726 (1)
Photo by fauxels from Pexels
Choose to slow down and pay attention to details (Sommers, 2013). Be present with each other. Remain in a long hug in order to feel their steady breath. Take advantage of simple everyday events to strengthen the ability to be aware and to enjoy the moment. Practicing awareness with the little things allows greater capability for mindfulness and increased enjoyment during high-emotional relational events, such as sex.
Return to a calm state during moments of stress.
The state of being during relational interactions can be more difficult to create than during simple tasks, like brushing our teeth. Actually, heightened emotions are often what encourage us to divert our focus during an intimate moment with our partner (Kimmes, Jaurequi, May, Srivastava, & Fincham, 2018). Negative stresses take their toll and mindfulness can help at those moments. For example, rather than becoming instantly upset when our partner has overspent the monthly budget, we can breathe . . .  calmly expressing feelings and seeking a solution together with both partners relaxed and regulated. 
Mindfulness can draw focus to the present moment. The present contact. The present experience. Letting go of the long to-do list and demands from work and just staying in the current moment with our partner—that could change everything (Pruitt, & McCollum, 2010).

What Benefits Can Result?

Photo by GUIVERG from Pexels
Although mindfulness is something each partner engages in personally, it has a great impact on the relationship—both for each partner individually and for the couple as a whole. Here’s an amazing fact: Research shows one partner’s mindfulness can impact the relational satisfaction for both partners (Khaddouma, Gordon, & Strand, 2017)! Even though we can be mindful without partner buy-in, our partner will likely notice the change in us and may practice a more mindfulness approach to life as well (Leavitt, Lefkowitz, & Waterman, 2019). 
And remember, this is a practice so keep trying even when distraction creeps in. It’s difficult to attune to one’s partner when thoughts stray beyond the present moment. Distraction comes in many forms, but however it happens, we can take positive action to shift thoughts. 
One idea that may help to sidestep distraction during partner interactions is to embrace the moment and come home to ourself (Richardson, 2011).  Re-center the breath, scan the body for tension, and find an inner connection in the body to anchor to. Choose to honor ourselves first. Diana Richardson shed light on this idea:
“When you honor yourself first, you stoke your own fire. You don’t depend on someone else to do it for you, and neither does your partner. The two individual fires join, they augment and enhance each other, and fueled by awareness, flames rise in splendid unison.” (Richardson, 2011)
Settling into our own body can bring a sense of self-empowerment. By doing so, we choose to be calm and redirect our awareness. Self-direction allows us to bring more to the relationship than simply relying on our partner to calm us (Schnarch, 2009).
Photo by Andi Risam Triangga from Pexels
A greater connection with one’s partner can be realized through these suggestions since practicing mindfulness shifts the whole approach to daily living (Sommers, 2013). One is less reactive and more calm. Less judgmental and more accepting. Experiencing fewer barriers and feeling more freedom and safety. All of this leads to a greater ability to be who we really are—and accept our partner as they really are (Pruitt, & McCollum, 2010). Might sound too good to be true, but it actually works.
Slowing down and shifting autopilot to awareness could be the next stepping stone on the path to a close and vulnerable relationship. So, start practicing mindfulness. Calm the mind. Calm the heart. Tune into the beautiful connections within the relationship. 
Create a new essence of being for you and your relationship. 
Personal Practice 1This week, choose one way to practice mindfulness in everyday moments.


Greater Good Science Center. (2020, March 28). What is mindfulness? Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/topic/mindfulness/definition
Khaddouma, A., Gordon, K. C., & Strand, E. B. (2017). Mindful mates: A pilot study of the relational effects of mindfulness‐based stress reduction on participants and their partners. Family Process, 56, 636-651
Kimmes, J. G., Jaurequi, M. E., May, R. W., Srivastava, S., & Fincham, F. D. (2018). Mindfulness in the context of romantic relationships: Initial development and validation of the relationship mindfulness measure. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44(4), 575.
Leavitt, C. E., Lefkowitz, E. S., & Waterman, E. A. (2019). The role of sexual mindfulness in sexual wellbeing, relational wellbeing, and self-esteem. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 45(6), 497–509. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2019.1572680
Milliken, C. (2015, June 13). The healing power of anchors. Retrieved from https://www.recoverywarriors.com/the-healing-power-of-anchors/
Pruitt, I. T., & McCollum, E. E. (2010). Voices of experienced meditators: The impact of meditation practice on intimate relationships. Contemporary Family Therapy, 32, 135–154. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s10591-009-9112-8
Richardson, D. (2011). Slow sex: The path to fulfilling and sustainable sexuality. Merrimac, MA: Destiny Books.
Schnarch, D. (2009). Intimacy & desire: Awaken the passion in your relationship. New York, NY: Beaufort Books.
Sommers, F. G. (2013). Mindfulness in love and love making: A way of life. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 28, 84–91. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2012.756976
Wilson, T. D., Reinhard, D. A., Westgate, E. C., Gilbert, D. T., Ellerbeck, N., Hahn, C., … Shaked, A. (2014). Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind. US National Library of Medicine, 345(6192), 75–77. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1250830
Wygant, D. (2013). Social media is a romance contraceptive. New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/30/has-facebook-ruined-love/social-media-is-a-romance-contraceptive



Chelom-600x401Chelom Leavitt received her Ph.D. from Penn State. She studies healthy sexuality in committed relationships and focuses on how mindfulness during sex may be associated with positive outcomes for both men and women. Dr. Leavitt’s recent publications include cross-cultural work on sexual mindfulness, women’s sexual response cycles, and a study examining the role of orgasm in sexual and relational satisfaction for men and women.


IMG_2700_Original[1]Ellyse Winward is currently studying Elementary Education at BYU with a Family Life minor. In July 2019, she was introduced to the book Sexual Wholeness in Marriage by Drs. Busby, Carroll, and Leavitt which subsequently changed her life. Ellyse has developed a passion for learning and talking about healthy sexuality and mindfulness. She has loved learning from and working with Dr. Chelom Leavitt. Ellyse firmly believes mindfulness has the ability to better connect us with ourselves and the people around us and can really be a small thing that makes all the difference!

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Stuck With Your Spouse? Keeping Love Alive During COVID-19

Written by Rian Gordon
After you first get married, you go through an adjustment period of learning how to live with your spouse. This can be a really difficult adjustment for many couples as they may discover habits or personality traits in each other that they weren’t aware of, as little things that once seemed cute become more of an annoyance, and as more time together tends to reveal more gaps in “compatibility”. 
Many couples may find themselves experiencing this wearing off of the “honeymoon phase” all over again as they are spending more time together due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Between working from home, missing interactions with other friends, coworkers, and family, trying to balance homeschool and taking care of kids, and the general stress of life during a time of crisis, you may be feeling a little more stuck with your spouse rather than happily married to them. 
So how do you get back to that state of wedded bliss?? Is it even possible right now? While our current circumstances may present some unique challenges, there are a few practices that may help you and your spouse keep your marriage and love strong during this difficult time. 
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Practice Positivity

In their research on couples, John and Julie Gottman have found that for every negative interaction, happy couples are having five (or more) positive interactions with each other (Gottman, Coan, Carrere, & Swanson, 1998). This ratio particularly applied to when couples were in the middle of working through a conflict, not even regular day-to-day interaction. If these happy couples were having five positive interactions for every one negative interaction during a disagreement, how many more must they be having in the everyday goings-on in their relationship? 
This practice of positivity is not something that may come naturally, but it IS something we can be more intentional about, and therefore improve. Here are two ways you can more actively invite positivity into your marriage:
  • Emotional bids: Turn towards your partner
Sending out an “emotional bid” means making an attempt at connection (Lisita, 2018). Any time our partner sends us an emotional bid, it is an opportunity for us to turn towards them by responding in a way that validates and acknowledges their attempt. According to research by the Gottmans, “happy couples turn towards their partners approximately twenty times more than couples in distress during everyday, non-conflict discussions” (Lisitsa, 2018). Check out this post for more info on emotional bids, and how you can turn towards your spouse.
Photo from pexels.com
  • Show gratitude and appreciation
Expressing gratitude is an excellent way to strengthen your marriage and increase relationship satisfaction (Gordon, Arnette, & Smith, 2011). While you are practicing social distancing together at home, look for things that you appreciate about your spouse. Are they working hard from home to provide for your family? Are they helping the kids stay focused as they tackle school from home? Do they make the bed, put the baby down for a nap, or brave the grocery store to find food and toilet paper? Focus on the details. Gratitude is something that increases as you focus on it (Bono, 2018), so the more you practice noticing things to be grateful for, the more you will find!

Support Each Other

One unique challenge of this COVID-19 pandemic is that it has merged together the realms of work and home. Couples who may be used to spending work time apart are now having to figure out how to balance work and home life in one single environment. This can be particularly difficult because it gets rid of the automatic boundaries between home and work. When one or both partners work out of the home, it allows them to leave work at work, and have a healthy mental and physical separation between work and home life. Furthermore, it automatically divides many of the work and home roles, particularly for couples where one spouse works outside the home, and one spouse works as a stay-at-home parent. 
Many couples may be struggling to find balance because of these blurred lines, which actually opens up the opportunity for more emotional sharing, empathy, and working towards a more equal partnership. Work together to have open and honest conversations about your needs during this time, and discuss how you can better support and help each other in your various roles and responsibilities. It may also be helpful to consider setting physical boundaries in your home to divide between work and family life. 
Photo from pexels.com

Remember Conflict is Normal

Conflict is a normal, and even healthy, part of every marriage relationship. When two people with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together, they are naturally going to disagree on at least a few things. More time together can also lead to more opportunities for disagreements. If you and your spouse are dealing with a lot of conflict right now, don’t get discouraged by thinking you are doing something terribly wrong. Take comfort in the fact that conflict can lead to growth and a stronger relationship when handled correctly (Tartakovsky, 2018). 
Here are a few things you can do to manage conflict in your relationship:
  • Take responsibility for your emotions
One way you can express taking responsibility for your own feelings is by using something called “I-Statements” (Darrington & Brower, 2012). Try this simple formula: “I feel ___________ when you ____________ because _____________.”
Saying “I feel” expresses ownership over your emotions. When we practice this in our disagreements, it helps us to focus on the problem at hand rather than become defensive and argumentative with our partner (Rogers, 2018).
  • Take time outs
When emotions start to escalate, our thinking brains shut down and it becomes easy for a disagreement to turn into a loud, angry fight (Gowin, 2011). One strategy to help you chill out when you are feeling emotionally flooded is to call a “time out”. Step away from the issue for a little bit, practice some self-soothing techniques, and return to the discussion after you are feeling calmer. 
  • It’s not about “winning” 
Don’t forget that the best way to “fight” in your marriage is to fight for your relationship. Ultimately, it isn’t about winning. Disagreements are about working together to find the best answer for your relationship – solutions that make both of you comfortable. Any time you reach a solution together, you win much more than you would have if you had gotten your way, or “beat” your partner.
Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

Still Have Alone Time

Alone time is an important and necessary way for many individuals to re-charge and self-care. Even though you and your spouse may be stuck in the same physical space, make sure you are each taking the time you need to take care of yourselves individually. My favorite ways to do this are by soaking in the bath, practicing yoga or meditation, and reading or writing! For my husband, he loves to unwind by listening to music, drawing, or going for a jog. 

Make Time for Fun

Research has shown that one of the best ways we can keep our marriages strong is by intentionally having fun together (PREP Inc., 2015). With all of this extra time that we may not be used to having with our spouse, this is a great opportunity to get creative and have some fun!
Check out these posts for some ideas that you and your spouse can try for some fun at home:
P.S. Don’t forget about sex! Sex is a great way to incorporate fun and flirtatiousness into your marriage. During this time of high stress, make sure you are setting aside regular time to have fun in the bedroom together. 
Photo by Eric Froehling on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

While this worldwide pandemic may add extra stress and create unique circumstances in our marriages, the truth is, hard work is always required to keep love alive. If we choose, we can decide to see this time as an opportunity for us to re-focus on our relationships, and to incorporate intentional practices that will help us strengthen our marriages. Practice living right now so that when things return to normal, you will miss having this extra time together! 
Personal Practice 1Read this post with your partner, and together choose one way to intentionally work on your marriage this week.


A Prioritized Marriage. (2020, March 28). At Home Date Night Ideas for When You Can’t Leave the House. Retrieved from https://aprioritizedmarriage.com/blog/at-home-date-night-ideas/
Benson, K. (2019, September 11). The Magic Relationship Ratio, According to Science. Retrieved from https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-magic-relationship-ratio-according-science/
Bono, T., PhD. (2018). When Likes Aren’t Enough: A Crash Course in the Science of Happiness. New York, NY: Grand Central Life & Style.
Darrington, J., & Brower, N. (2012, April). Effective Communication Skills: “I” Messages and Beyond. Retrieved February 28, 2018, from https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1791&context=extension_curall
Gordon, C. L., Arnette, R. A. M., & Smith, R. E. (2011). Have you thanked your spouse today?: Felt and expressed gratitude among married couples. Personality and Individual Differences50(3), 339–343.
Gottman, J. M., Coan, J., Carrere, S., & Swanson, C. (1998). Predicting Marital Happiness and Stability from Newlywed Interactions. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(1), 5. https://doi.org/10.2307/353438
Gowin, J. (2011, April 6). Under Pressure: Your Brain on Conflict. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/you-illuminated/201104/under-pressure-your-brain-conflict
Lisitsa, E. (2018, September 12). An Introduction to Emotional Bids and Trust. Retrieved from https://www.gottman.com/blog/an-introduction-to-emotional-bids-and-trust/
Prep Inc.. (2015). PREP 8.0 Leader Guide, Version 1.3. Greenwood Village, CO: Author.
Rogers, S.L. and Others. (2018) I understand you fell that way, but I feel this way: the benefits of I-language and communicating perspective during conflict. Retrieved March 14, 2019, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5961625/
Tartakovsky, M. (2018, October 8). How Conflict Can Improve Your Relationship. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/how-conflict-can-improve-your-relationship/



Rian Nicole Gordon is from Orem, Utah, and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Human Development. She has been married to her best friend Mark for five years, and they have two beautiful children, one boy and one girl. Apart from her full-time job as a stay-at-home mom, she works for The Dibble Institute, which specializes in relationship education for youth.

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7 Components of Great Sex

Written by Emma Smith
We’ve all seen the tabloids at the grocery store checkout, “best sex of your life!!!” or “positions that will make him hot” and other variations of the same message that are frequent attention grabbers on the covers of Cosmopolitan magazine and others of the like. What really constitutes great sex though? Sexual positions? Let’s be honest, not all of us are Olympic gymnasts so there are really only so many variations of the same basic, and frankly more comfortable, positions. Is it the number of orgasms? What is it?
Researchers have asked this same question and the results might surprise you. Great sex has only a little to do with orgasm and nothing to do with exotic sex positions. The researchers found that “great sex” is composed of seven major components with two minor components or considerations (Kleinplatz et al., 2009).
Photo from pexels.com

Component #1: Being Present, Focused, and Embodied

The first and most commonly reported component identified was “being present, focused and embodied” during the sexual experience (Kleinplatz et al., 2009). In other words, don’t be thinking about the pile of dishes in the sink or how the lawn needs to be mowed or about problems at work. Be present. Be mentally there as you engage in the experience of sex with your loved one. 

Component #2: Connection, Alignment, and Being in Synch

This implies a depth of connection. That’s right, hook-ups probably aren’t going to result in truly great sex, but sex in a relationship where you have invested time, energy, and emotion will. In order to create this deep connection, Dr. Sue Johnson has prescribed caregiving and attention to one’s spouse or partner (Johnson & Zucarini, 2010). It may seem simplistic but it rings true; time, investment, and care for one another serve to deepen emotional connections which then intensify the sexual experience.
Photo from pexels.com

Component #3: Deep Sexual and Erotic Intimacy

While this component may sound a bit more predictable, what does it actually mean though apart from engaging in sex? In the study, one woman described this as feeling “loved and wanted, accepted and cherished” by her husband (Kleinplatz et al., 2009). It is one thing to be “loved and wanted, accepted and cherished” in general and it is another thing to receive that kind of devotion in the sexual sphere. Sex is deeply personal and one of the very most intimate acts we can engage in as human beings, demonstrating acceptance and devotion to one’s partner in sex creates a deeper kind of intimacy.

Component #4: Extraordinary Communication and Heightened Empathy

It might be that you and your partner feel this deep emotional and sexual connection to one another but there is no way of knowing and trusting in that without extraordinary communication and heightened empathy. So what is it that makes communication extraordinary? The study described this superior form of communication as a couple’s “complete sharing of themselves, both verbally and non-verbally, with their partners before, during and after sexual encounters” (Kleinplatz et al., 2009). Emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy and satisfaction have shown to be deeply connected (Yoo et al., 2014); sharing your feelings and personal experiences with your partner are a great way to heighten your emotional connection. It is also important to recognize that this kind of complete sharing also requires a complete form of listening and acceptance.
Photo from pexels.com

Component #5: Being Authentic, Genuine, Transparent and Uninhibited

While this concept may seem similar to the complete sharing of extraordinary communication, it differs in the way that it is a feeling of freedom to be yourself with your partner rather than an act of communication.  This can come in many forms such as confidence in your partner’s love for you, trust that your partner does find you attractive, or a self-assurance that you are a competent lover. True authenticity in couple and sexual relationships enables the couple to “let go” during the sexual experience and freely enjoy it for what it is.

Component #6: Exploration, Interpersonal Risk-Taking, and Fun

I think that far too often in life we forget to have fun and enjoy the moments we are in. Dr. Sue Johnson once called sex a “safe adventure” (Johnson, 2015) and it’s true; when we have invested time and energy and love into a relationship, we are free to enjoy the safe adventure of sex. Take the time to explore with one another. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to try? Suggest it to your partner! Is there a new position you heard about? Suggest it and try it if your partner is willing. Enjoy the experience and allow yourself to let go and feel comfortable in doing so.

Component #7: Vulnerability and Surrender

In my opinion, being vulnerable is one of the hardest things to do. On vulnerability researcher Brené Brown has said, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control of the outcome… it’s not a weakness; it’s the greatest measure of courage.” True vulnerability allows us to let go of ourselves into the hands of another person and creates a couple-focused approach to the sexual experience. 
Photo from pexels.com
The two minor elements of great sex are orgasm and “chemistry” or physical attraction to one another. So much emphasis is placed on these two factors in the tabloids and in books and movies, but the research has shown that they are barely contributing factors. The good news in all of this is that the most important components of great sex are things we can work to CREATE. We can work as couples to be present in the sexual experience, we can work to become more aligned, we can work to improve our communication and listening skills, we can work on being authentic and being ourselves. We don’t have to wish for better sexual chemistry or hope for an intense orgasm to have a great and bonding sexual experience.
Personal Practice 1Discuss this article with your partner and analyze your sexual relationship. Choose one component of great sex that you can improve on this week with your partner.
Not currently sexually active? Consider choosing a component that you can practice NOW either on your own, or in one of your relationships, such as being present, strengthening communication, or empathy.


Johnson, S. (2015, July). Ted Talk. TED Talk. Ottawa. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiVijMLH2-k 
Johnson, S. & Zuccarini, D. (2010). Integrating sex and attachment in emotionally focused couple therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 36(4), 431-445.
Kleinplatz, P. J., Ménard, D. A., Paquet, M. P., Paradis, N., Campbell, M., Zuccarino, D., & Mehak, L. (2009) The components of optimal sexuality: A portrait of “great sex”. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 18(1-2), 1-13.
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Emma Smith is from San Diego, California. Emma is currently a Family Life major with an emphasis in social work at BYU. She met her best friend and husband Dallin at BYU her first semester home from her mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She enjoys horseback riding, swimming, reading, painting, and anything outdoors. In everything she does, she has one goal: to help others.

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The Reckoning and The Rumble Part 2 – Roadblocks to Reckoning

Written by Melissa Buckley of Learning to Thrive
In my article last month I talked about how the Rising Strong process can be beneficial for navigating marital conflict. Today we are going to explore common roadblocks to reckoning with emotions.
To reckon is “to narrate or to make an account.” We need to be able to talk about our feelings. That requires acknowledging them. This is typically more difficult for men, but it is by no means reserved for one gender. All of us can resort to poor coping when dealing with difficult emotions. But with the Rising Strong Process, if we deny our stories and our feelings, “they don’t go away; instead, they own us, and they define us.” (Brown, 2015) If we continue to deny the story, we cannot defy the ending.

How it affects marriage

The way most people respond to difficult emotions is to avoid them. Some offload, turning “I failed” into “I am a failure,” causing them to feel shame and disengage further. Others steamroll, choosing to be upset with their spouse, rather than owning a mistake that caused hurt or embarrassment. Silence, brooding and resentment, is an effort to escape criticism and can become withdrawal, both emotional and physical. Withdrawal can quickly turn into stonewalling — one of John Gottman’s Four Horsemen of Divorce. Rather than engage in the difficult emotions, we disengage, leave the room, and refuse to deal with it. This is a more common reaction for men (Gottman, 1999). 
It can be easy to assume that when a spouse disengages or withdraws from you it’s because they do not care. But in reality, it is often a cue that they are unable to reckon with their emotions. 
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Emotional Curiosity

The first part of reckoning is acknowledgment. The second is curiosity. Curiosity can be the most difficult part. “Curiosity is the feeling of deprivation we experience when we identify and focus on a gap in our knowledge (Brown, 2015).” It can help us to connect two separate experiences or ideas. But the important part is to realize that, “we have to have some level of knowledge or awareness before we can get curious.” 
In my opinion, this can be one of the largest stumbling blocks for engaging in the reckoning. Many of us were taught to not place value in emotions, only logic. We were told emotions or crying are signs of weakness. Or we were never taught to deal with or even talk about our emotions, much less connect how they affect thoughts and behaviors. These are all keys to emotional curiosity. (Brown, 2015)
Fear is the number one reason we do not act. Feeling emotions can be uncomfortable or awkward. We worry what others will think. Vulnerability is new and uncertainty is scary. We don’t know what we might find if we dive deeper. So “we self-protect—choosing certainty over curiosity, armor over vulnerability, and knowing over learning.” (Brown, 2015) Instead of facing the emotion, we off-load.
Common ways we off-load emotions: 
  • Avoidance: A new study worries that the popular “trigger warning” on college campuses actually fosters a culture of avoidance (Flaherty, 2019), communicates to students that they are fragile and unable to cope (Sanson, 2019) and that we can actually increase our suffering by avoiding it. (Platek, 2018)
  • Not acknowledging vulnerability: Studies have shown that our ability to recognize a vulnerability to a diagnosis, or acceptance of one, greatly increases our chances of adhering to a positive health regime. (Aiken, et al., 2012)
  • Teapot emotions: We stuff them down, and one day they reach a boiling point and everyone knows it (Brown, 2015).
  • Stockpiling hurt: We force it down so much that it begins to affect our bodies. Sleep issues, anxiety, or depression can be the first symptoms of emotions manifesting in the body (van der Kolk, 2015)
  • The fear of high-centering: You recognize the emotions but don’t walk into them for fear of it dislodging something and affecting you in a way you don’t like. 
  • Anger: Road rage and sports are socially acceptable ways to deal with pain, especially for men.
  • Bouncing hurt: “Whatever, I don’t care.” It’s easier to bounce it off ourselves. We become stoic or deflect with humor and cynicism (Brown, 2015).
  • Numbing hurt: Rather than lean into pain, we numb with alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, planning, perfectionism, food, Netflix, or even staying busy. We hide the hurt so that our feelings can’t catch up with us. This can numb the good in the process (Brown, 2015).
Photo by the hk photo company on Unsplash
Miriam Greenspan, Psychotherapist, and author of Healing through Dark Emotions, addresses a societal issue:
“Despite our fear, [we want] to feel these emotional energies, because they are the juice of life. When we suppress or diminish our emotions, we feel deprived. So we watch horror movies, and so-called reality shows like Fear Factor. We seek out emotional intensity vicariously, because when we are emotionally numb, we need a great deal of stimulation to feel something, anything. So emotional pornography provides the stimulation, but it only ersatz emotion—it doesn’t teach us anything about ourselves or the world.” (Brown, 2015)
She explains the positive benefits of all emotions:
“People don’t mind feeling joy and happiness. The dark emotions are much harder. Fear, grief, and despair are uncomfortable and are seen as signs of personal failure. In our culture, we call them “negative” and think of them as “bad.” I prefer to call these emotions “dark,” because I like the image of a rich, fertile, dark soil from which something unexpected can bloom. Also we keep them “in the dark” and tend not to speak about them. We privatize them and don’t see the ways in which they are connected to the world. But the dark emotions are inevitable. They are part of the universal human experience and are certainly worthy of our attention. They bring us important information about ourselves and the world and can be vehicles of profound transformation.” (Platek, 2018)
One of the biggest reasons that uncertainty in emotion is so hard is because it often means we have to change. Something in our life or in our relationship needs shifting and transforming. This is a big part of the Rising Strong process — change coming as a result of something difficult or uncomfortable. And that is often the hardest part. Sitting in our emotions can be hard, but moving past them to be better is very difficult, too.
For more strategies from Miriam Greenspan for working through emotions, see the full article here. This recent HHP article has similar sentiments. This is also a great one about emotional range.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

So, what’s next?

Vulnerability in marriage creates opportunity for bonding, but it can also create hurt. It takes courage.  When we can create a safe place for our spouse to bloom from those dark emotions, we can transform our marriages. 
We just need to change the way we deal with them. 
In the same way we need to own our stories while in conflict as I addressed in my first article, we need to give ourselves and our spouses space for the difficult emotions as we experience the reckoning. If your spouse is dealing with deep emotions, take a step back and realize that shame can change people’s actions, and that it is their story, not yours. 
We naturally want to connect with others, but “when we feel shame … we are more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviors, to attack or humiliate others.” (Brown, 2007)
While feeling shame, we are actually desperate for belonging. That is exactly the time that you need to show your spouse you still love them, that you are staying put and you are strong enough to deal with their dark emotions. The antidotes to shame are compassion and connection. (Brown, 2007)
Be patient. Express love, encourage and appreciate them. The key is to create a safe space where they are allowed to explore those feelings without fear. Give them space if needed. Empathy is also crucial. I will be exploring empathy more in my final article.
There are some great resources available to help.
See this emotion wheel for ideas of more emotive words.
See this encouraging video for men at @manuptvseries.
See this video about Permission slips, a strategy to allow emotions in.
Learn about tactile breathing, a method soldiers use in tense situations to calm and center themselves (Brown, 2015). 

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash


The Reckoning can often be the hardest part of the Rising Strong Process. Leaning into emotions is far more difficult than avoiding them. Brené uses the term reckoning for this process because “in navigation, the term reckoning, as in dead reckoning, is the process of calculating where you are. To do that, you have to know where you’ve been and what factors influenced how you got to where you are now. Without reckoning, you can’t chart a future course.” (Brown, 2015)
Just as Miriam Greenspan encourages, when we can deal with our dark emotions, suffering can lead to deeper connection, more compassion, and foster resilience and transformation (Platek, 2018). We can allow suffering to expand our minds to make room for rebirth. We can gain power because of emotions— to heal and to change our endings. We can be powerful and courageous— in our lives and in our marriages. 
Personal Practice 1This week, consciously make time to practice identifying your own emotions. Set an alarm on your phone every day to remind you to pause, notice how you are feeling, and name the emotions you are experiencing.


Aiken, L. S., Gerend, M. A., Jackson, K. M., & Ranby, K. W. (2012). Subjective risk and health-protective behavior: Prevention and early detection. In A. Baum, T. A. Revenson, & J. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of health psychology (pp. 113-145). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
Buckley, M. (2019, August) Owning Your Own Story within Marital Conflict, Healthy Humans Project.
Brown, B. (2007). I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t). New York: Gotham Books.
Brown, B. (2015). Rising Strong. New York: Random House.
Flaherty, C. (2019, March 21). Death Knell for Trigger Warnings? Retrieved from Inside Higher ED: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/03/21/new-study-says-trigger-warnings-are-useless-does-mean-they-should-be-abandoned
Gottman, J. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. New York: Random House.
Gordon, R. (2018, July) Don’t Worry, Be Happy (and Sad, and Made, and Scared…), Healthy Humans Project.
Gordon, R. (2018, June) 4 Habits That Are Proven to Kill Your Relationship, Healthy Humans Project.
Kolk, B. V. (2015). The Body Keeps the Score. New York: Penguin Books.
Platek, B. (2018, Jan). Through A Glass Darkly. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from The Sun Interview: https://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/385/through-a-glass-darkly
Sanson, M. (2019, March 19). Trigger Warnings do Little to Reduce People’s Distress, Research shows.
Retrieved from Association for Psychological Science:
Strong, M. (2019, Nov.) How Tragedy Can Bring Us Together, Healthy Humans Project.


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Melissa Buckley HeadshotMelissa discovered her talent for writing in her freshman writing class at BYU. She graduated with a degree in Family Life and then attended Le Cordon Bleu to pursue her dream of baking wedding cakes. After three years of professional baking, she hung up her apron to be a stay at home mom. She lives in Las Vegas with her husband and twin toddlers. She has since rekindled her love of writing and finds time to write while caring for her children.

Melissa has a passion for sharing her knowledge and experiences with other women, to empower them to be their best selves. She writes about faith, family, love and relationships with the occasional baking metaphor.

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