Self-Love Languages

Written by Rian Gordon
Many of us are familiar with Dr. Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages. These love languages represent the way we prefer to receive love in our close relationships, and include five categories: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gifts, Physical Touch, and Quality Time. While learning and communicating our preferred love languages can be an enlightening way to unlock deeper trust and connection in our relationships with others, I have been pondering the powerful potential of how these love languages can change our relationships with ourselves. 
Not all of us are in situations where people we love are frequently showing us the love we need and deserve through our preferred love language. Whether you are single, working through difficulties in your relationship, or simply living away from close friends and family, sometimes the only person that we can rely on to show us consistent and careful love is US. 
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash
So how can we learn to better speak our love language in our relationship with ourselves? As with any other situation in which we are seeking to strengthen our communication skills, the first step involves gaining understanding, and the second, practice! In order to show yourself love in your preferred love language, you have to know what that preferred love language is! It requires a little self-awareness and a knowledge of your own needs and desires. This quiz from Dr. Chapman’s website is a great tool to help you figure out your love language if you are having trouble identifying it on your own. 
* Note: Your primary love language for how you like to receive love from others may be different from how you like to receive love from yourself (what I like to call your self-love language). Try out different things, and learn what works the best for you! 
After you know how you like to receive love, you have the power to start practicing showing that love to yourself! Intentionally work activities into your routine that give you time to show yourself love and compassion in the way that you like to receive it most. 
Here are some ideas for how you can show yourself love in your preferred self-love language (there are lots more – get creative!):

Words of Affirmation

The words we say have power – especially the ones we say to ourselves. Regardless of your preferred self-love language, each of us can benefit from speaking kinder and more loving words to ourselves! If Words of Affirmation is your preferred self-love language, these little efforts will make a big difference in strengthening your relationship with yourself. 
  • Practice thinking kind thoughts about yourself.
  • Write yourself a love letter.
  • Listen to your favorite music, book, or poetry.
  • Implement positive affirmations into your daily routine.
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Acts of Service

Individuals who prefer acts of service are often very other-focused and are constantly worried about the needs of those around them. How often do you really think about your needs and do something nice for yourself? If you need someone to give you permission, then here you go!
  • Ask yourself what you need today, and then go do it.
  • Say “no” to something unnecessary on your “to-do” list. 
  • Perform a service for someone else (alright, alright, sometimes, this is just what you need to feel a little extra love in your day!). 


Giving a meaningful gift is not always about how much money it costs; it’s more about the thought that goes into getting and giving the gift. Take some time to think about your needs, and treat yourself to something that will be meaningful to you!
  • Budget some money each month to buy yourself a small gift.
  • Get yourself a treat while out running errands.
  • Make yourself something.
Photo from

Physical Touch

The love language of Physical Touch is all about physical experience and connecting to your body. A great way to show yourself love in ways that relate to physical touch is by connecting to your senses, and by showing your body some extra love. 
  • Give yourself a foot, hand, or neck massage (or splurge a little and get a professional massage). This is a great video to help guide you through some simple and relaxing self-massage! 
  • Take a bath and be sure to use your favorite bath salts, bath bombs, or essential oils. 
  • Get into your body with some movement you enjoy.
  • Give yourself a hug.

Quality Time

When you date someone else, you make sure to spend a lot of time with them so you can get to know them. But are we willing to do the same for ourselves? Spending time to re-connect with yourself and get to know who you are in the present moment can be so healing and enlightening. Take some time to get to know yourself better today!
  • Take yourself out on a date.
  • Spend some time out in nature.
  • Implement a meditation practice into your day.
  • Go on an adventure and try something you have always wanted to try. 
Regardless of your situation, you deserve love, and practicing self-love is a great way to guarantee that you will get it! Get to know your preferred self-love language and start showing yourself some love more intentionally today!
Personal Practice 1Discover your self-love language, and implement one practice to show yourself some love this week. 


10-Minute Yoga For Self Care – Yoga With Adriene. (2017, February 12). Retrieved from
Bunt, S., & Hazelwood, Z. J. (2017). Walking the walk, talking the talk: Love languages, self‐regulation, and relationship satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 24(2), 280–290.
Chapman, G. (1992). The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. Chicago, IL: Northfield Publishing.
Moody. (n.d.). Discover Your Love Language. Retrieved January 30, 2020, from


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Rian Nicole Gordon is from Orem, Utah, and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Human Development. She has been married to her best friend Mark for five years, and they have two beautiful children, one boy and one girl. Apart from her full-time job as a stay-at-home mom, she works for The Dibble Institute, which specializes in relationship education for youth.

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Our Human Need for Physical Touch

Written by Betty Gray
Morrie Schwartz, the subject of Mitch Albom’s award-winning novel Tuesdays with Morrie, states that he truly didn’t learn to live until he was dying of the fatal illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, i.e. Lou Gherig’s Disease. As I stayed up one night unable to put the book down I came across the following thought-provoking passage, “The truth is, when our mothers held us, rocked us, stroked our heads- none of us got enough of that. We all yearn in some way to return to those days when we were completely taken care of- unconditional love, unconditional attention. Most of us didn’t get enough.” 
The more I ponder this statement the more I have to say I agree. Even as a 25-year-old there are many times I simply want to be held, to feel that closeness that comes from the tight embrace of another human being. I suspect this is a desire that never leaves us, one that is part of our deeper nature and desire to connect with others, and I believe we need it even more than we realize. Do we have “enough” affection and physical touch in our lives as is stated by Mr. Schwartz? In our day and age, I don’t think so. 
Photo from
The moment that physical touch becomes vital actually begins at birth. Physical contact (i.e. skin-to-skin) after birth and throughout infancy has been proven scientifically to have beneficial physiological effects on the infant. This even goes a step further where the skin to skin contact after birth aids in activating maternal attachment (Phillips, 2013). I have personally felt this in my own life when my daughters were in the NICU for days before I was able to hold them and then the moment to hold them finally came and I instantly felt a motherly connection.
As infants develop the benefits of physical touch are numerous. In one of my favorite parenting books, Super Baby by Dr. Jenn Burman, an entire chapter is devoted to the importance of touch along with references to current research. Based on the current body of literature eight benefits of touch for children have been listed (Berman, 2010) and they include:
  1. Smarter children.
  2. Healthier digestion.
  3. Improved weight gain.
  4. Improved immune system.
  5. Better sleep.
  6. Enhanced muscle tone and coordination.
  7. More developed sensory awareness.
  8. Better ability to handle stress.
As we develop over the years from infant to adults our desire to be touched and loved never goes away, in fact, it matures as we mature. Personally when I have moments where the worries of life bring me anxiety I often find that the best cure is simply to be held. My breathing slows, my chest relaxes, and my thoughts focus. As I feel compassion and connection from the person holding me, the mental and physical grip of anxiety loosens and melts away. 
Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of California Berkeley, conducted an experiment in his lab asking if humans can communicate compassion through touch. In one particular study, he built a barrier that separated two strangers from each other. One person would stick their arm through a barrier and a person on the other side of the barrier would try and convey an emotion from a list they were given in one-second increments of touch. The other person would have to try and figure out which emotion was being conveyed. The results were remarkable. In describing the results Dr. Keltner states, “Given the number of emotions being considered, the odds of guessing the right emotion by chance were about eight percent. But remarkably, participants guessed compassion correctly nearly 60 percent of the time. Gratitude, anger, love, fear—they got those right more than 50 percent of the time as well.” (Keltner, 2010)
Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash
Once we realize the extent of how necessary physical affection and connection with other people is, the question then becomes, why do we sometimes go out of our way to avoid it? As I’ve pondered this conundrum I’ve had a few thoughts that I will share. One reason I’ve found to be a common theme amongst myself and those I’ve discussed this with is a lack of vulnerability. Physical touch requires two people, it’s inviting another person to share our moment of happiness, contentment, sorrow, pain or grief. Simply put, it exposes our most raw selves to someone else. This can lead to another reason we might attempt to shy away from physical touch: fear. We might fear that the other person will not respond appropriately, maybe misread intentions, or perhaps even reject us entirely. Despite these valid fears or concerns, we must overcome them. Our emotional health depends on it.
Just as there is a multitude of different emotional states, so too are there varying types of appropriate physical touch, and all of them are vital to human connection. Think of the emotional benefits you have personally derived from receiving a hug, someone rubbing your feet after a long day, an embrace from a lover, or even a simple hand on the shoulder after a job well done. It makes us feel good. It connects us. In our day and age of social media, Skype, and other impersonal electronic modes of communication I daresay Mr. Schwartz is right, we don’t get enough physical touch. We don’t get enough connection. I challenge each of us to ponder how we can develop more meaningful relationships through physical touch.
Personal Practice 1This week, look for opportunities to engage in appropriate, consensual physical touch.


Berman J. SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years. Chapter 4. Pages 73-76. Sterling New York, NY; 2010.
Keltner, D. (2010, September 29). Hands On Research: The Science of Touch. Retrieved from
Phillips, R. (2013). The Sacred Hour: Uninterrupted Skin-to-Skin Contact Immediately After Birth. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews13(2), 67–72. 10.1053/j.nainr.2013.04.001
Widström, A., Brimdyr, K., Svensson, K., Cadwell, K., & Nissen, E. (2019). Skin‐to‐skin contact the first hour after birth, underlying implications and clinical practice. Acta Paediatrica108(7), 1192–1204.


*The Healthy Humans Project is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. Thank you so much for supporting our efforts to improve relationships!




Elisabeth Gray is from Orem, Utah, but she is currently living in Tulsa, Oklahoma while her husband attends medical school. Betty graduated from Brigham Young University in April of 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and is a Registered Nurse. She has experience with pediatric home health patients, but she currently works from home so she can be with her two-year-old twin girls.

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Love to Serve – Serve to Love

Written by Sydney Tittle

Based on Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages
Last but not least, let’s talk about service. Acts of service is both simple and complex. You can find its simplicity in the title, where what you see is what you get.
Service = doing something for someone else.
It’s complexity comes when applied to the context of different individuals with unique needs and desires. The trick to figuring out acts of service lies within your desire and ability to ask questions and try different things to help your partner feel the most loved. 
Acts of service, like any other love language can be a tough one to navigate – especially if this is not your preferred love language. Because of this, I have decided to break this down into two parts. Part one is tips for  the “giver” and it is a little bit more in depth. Part two is a bit more simple and includes tips for the “receiver.” The receiver portion is geared towards the individuals who have acts of service as their primary love language. The giver portion is geared toward the partner of these said individuals. All this being said, both portions have principles that can be beneficial for ALL who apply them.

Tips for the Giver:

1. “See the need, do the deed!” – Look around, observe, try to take on your partner’s point of view
Below, you will find two observation scenarios. Take a minute to think about what you would do in these scenarios and make your best decision based on what you learned from tip #1 “See the need, do the deed.” My hope is that these two exercises can get you thinking a little bit more the importance of perspective taking. Development of this skill takes time and may require plenty of patience and practice.
Scenario 1 – John comes home from a long day at work, exhausted and ready for dinner. He pulls the car in the garage and walks into the kitchen. There he sees his wife Jessica scrambling around trying to get dinner ready and his two year old daughter Lucy crying in her high chair. John walks over and picks up his daughter and instantly the potent smell of poopy diaper hits his nose. He glances over to the living room to see about three loads of laundry half folded – half spread around the room.
John knows how much Jessica values acts of service. What can he do to show her love, even though he too is needing a little love himself? (Hint: There is not just one right or wrong answer here.)
Scenario 2 – Brittney has been traveling for work and is so excited to come home and see her boyfriend, Bobby. It is finals week, and Bobby is completely swamped trying to work a full time job and survive his senior year of college classes. Brittney tells Bobby that she will swing by his house later with some food so they can eat dinner and spend some time together. When Brittney walks into the apartment, she immediately smells the stench of the pile of dishes sitting in the sink. Not only that, but the trash can is full and the cupboards are empty. Bobby has his school stuff spread out covering the entire kitchen table, and is looking stressed and tense.
Brittney knows how much Bobby values acts of service. What can she do to show him love, even though she too is needing a little love herself? (Hint: Once again, no right or wrong answer here.
2. What can I do?” – Don’t be afraid to ASK for ways you can best serve them. There is just one caveat to this tip – sometimes your partner may not give you a good answer to this question, sometimes they may feel like they have to “do it all themselves.”
This can be challenging, but it is possible to overcome. In these cases, sometimes what you need to do is move back to tip number one, and just keep trying. The more you show them you want to serve them, the more they will be willing to let you do so.
Gary Chapman also recommends making what he calls “request lists” this is where each individual takes a minute and writes down 3-4 things that if your partner chose to do them, would make you feel loved. He simply states that lists are important because they help us think concretely. “Requests give direction to love, but demands stop the flow of love.”
Take another minute to write out a physical list of requests. Have your partner do the same. This activity is pure magic if you will commit to implement what you learn about your partners needs and wants. These requests should be specific in nature and help you to know exactly what it is you and your partner need to feel loved. Remember, you can serve and serve all day, and still have it feel like not enough because sometimes it’s not so much about the act of service itself as it is the TYPE of service given.

Tips for the receiver:

1. Look for the offerings of service and be grateful for them. The practice of serving those they love may not come as easily to your partner as they do to you. In fact, perhaps the acts of service they are giving you are coming from a space of THEIR dominant love language instead of yours.
For example: Let’s say your partner values physical touch… In their mind, maybe giving you a little back rub is their physical way of serving you. Maybe your partner values quality time and takes off work one day to spend time with you.
Another example: Maybe gifts is what they love, so they serve you by buying you some nice dish washing gloves because they noticed your hands dry out from washing in the winter time.
In your mind, you may be thinking – “Why did you buy my these gloves? What I really want is for you to DO THE DISHES FOR ME!!” But to your partner, they are trying to serve you by offering the language that comes most naturally to them – Gifts.
Big or small, chances are your significant other is trying to show you love, they may just not know what exactly it is you need the most.
2. “Tell them what you want, what you really really want.” – Believe it or not, your partner is not a mind reader.
If there is something you would like them to do to show you love, do not be afraid to make that request. This goes back to what we talked about in tips for the giver #2. Sit down with your partner and make a list of 3-4 requests. Doing so will help you both show each other the love each of you needs in the way you need it.
In conclusion, I just want you to remember: these things take time. Just as you can’t learn Spanish or Swahili overnight, you can’t expect for you or your loved one to learn your love language overnight either. It takes practice, but it is always possible. Remember the bottom line for why you are doing what you are doing. It’s all about love… and with that love, you can accomplish anything.
Bland, A. M., & McQueen, K. S. (2018). The distribution of Chapman’s love languages in couples: An exploratory cluster analysis. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 7(2), 103–126.
Chapman, G. D. (2010). The 5 Love Languages. Chicago: Northfield Pub.
Hughes, J. L., & Camden, A. A. (2020). Using Chapman’s five love languages theory to predict love and relationship satisfaction. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 25(3), 234-244.


4B3A0574edit CROPSydney Tittle is an Orem, Utah native. She has a passion for family life, social innovation, and anything creative. She is the second of five children, and loves spending time with friends and family. In August of 2017, she graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in family studies.


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A Touchy Topic: 6 Ways to Improve Physical Touch

Written by Aubrey-Dawn Palmer

Based on Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages
Physical touch is a great way to connect. For many of us, kissing, cuddling, hugging, holding hands and sex help us feel a closer bond with our partners. Humans are biologically driven to connect with people physically, and many of us enjoy physical touch as our dominant love language.
Having physical touch as a dominant love language does not necessarily denote a high sex drive. It really just means that appropriate physical touch is how we feel the most connected to our other half.
“Touches may be explicit and call for your full attention, such as a back rub or sexual foreplay. They can be implicit and require only a moment, such as putting your hand on his shoulder as you pour a cup of coffee. Once you discover that physical touch is the primary love language of your spouse, you are limited only by your imagination. Kiss when you get in the car. It may greatly enhance your travels. Give a hug before you go shopping. You may hear less griping when you return.”
 -Gary Chapman
Here are six ways to increase the quality of physical touch in your relationship.

1. Use Appropriate Touch to Communicate

Using appropriate physical touch can be a way of expressing not only love, but the other things we feel. We use physical touch to convey support, grief, play, humor, joy, appreciation, attraction, and unity.
Photo from
For example, when my husband and I are having a difficult conversation (discussing something that is emotional for one of us, or when we are disagreeing and debating) we hold hands or rest one hand on our partner’s leg. That simple touch helps us connect and makes it easier to see problems not as ‘me vs. him’, but as ‘us vs. problem’. It is an easy reminder that we are not alone in whatever pain or frustration we may be feeling.

2. Make sure that not all physical touch is sexual in nature.

While sex is certainly an important part of romantic relationships, if physical touch is only sexual in nature, it can leave a person feeling objectified. Physical touch is not always meant to be foreplay either. If you find that you expect every long kiss or backrub to lead to sex, you need to reevaluate your expectations. If physical touch is expected to lead to sex each time, it will become less and less frequent, and often less sincere. It can also lead to painful feelings of loss and lack of connection if physical touch is your partner’s dominant love language.
man and woman hugging each other
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Take opportunities to embrace, cuddle, make out, and even flirt or smack your partner’s butt without needing it to go anywhere! Massage your partner’s back or feet, or play with their hair. A nibble on the ear can go a long way too. Physical touch (including sex!) is less about personal pleasure and more about emotional connection.

3. If your relationship (and even sex life) is struggling, there may not be enough touch.

When you reach out with tender touch, you create emotional closeness. This is especially true if the primary love language of your spouse is physical touch. You may say, “What if I’m just not a toucher? I didn’t grow up in a touchy-feely family.” The good news is that you can learn to speak this love language. It can begin with a pat on the back, or putting your hand on their leg as you sit together on the couch.
-Gary Chapman
As humans, we are biologically programmed to need human contact. Human touch creates semiochemical bonding and releases hormones like oxytocin. This semiochemical bonding cements couples together, and the oxytocin makes people pretty happy and excited about that bonding. If there is not enough touch happening, it is hard to feel connected to our partners.

4. Communicate your needs.

If you are not happy with the amount or style of physical touch in your relationship, communicate about it. Be open. If you can be vulnerable enough to be naked in a room together, why can’t you talk about what you need?
Photo from
For example: my husband cannot hold hands for very long. When we hold hands, it is only for about a minute at a time. I worried that he did not want to be affectionate in public (something important to me), but his straightforward communication cleared that up. On the other hand, grabbing my butt is off limits if I am in a dress. For whatever reason, if I am in a dress, it just drives me crazy; otherwise, no big deal. I communicated this to him, and he has been perfectly respectful.
Affectionate touch should be enjoyable – we should feel good about it! If we do not, we have a responsibility to speak up. And if our partners communicate to us, we have a responsibility to respond appropriately.

5. Know your partner’s limits.

We all have our own boundaries – things we are uncomfortable with, and things we want and need. Keeping your partner’s limits in mind, and being respectful of those is important.
Photo from

6. Emotional safety is just as important as physical safety.

Remember to keep your partner safe. Physical touch has to be appropriate. It can be fun and sexy and gentle and energetic and all kids of things, but if we ever touch our partners in ways that violate their safety, that is not okay. It just isn’t. Physical touch must include a sense of trust and the ability to be vulnerable and comfortable. If those feelings go away, we need to make some changes.
If you are involved in a physically or emotionally unsafe relationship, please get help. We all, regardless of our gender, orientation, history, or any other variable, deserve to be safe and secure in our relationships. Please reach out to a trusted loved one, the police, or other resources in your community for assistance.
Find at least one way each day for a week to use appropriate physical touch in your relationship without it leading to sex. (Sex is good too! But we want you to broaden your physical touch repertoire and be more creative.)


Bland, A. M., & McQueen, K. S. (2018). The distribution of Chapman’s love languages in couples: An exploratory cluster analysis. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice7(2), 103–126.
Egbert, N., & Polk, D. (2006). Speaking the language of relational maintenance: A validity test of Chapman’s (1992) five love languages. Communication Research Reports23(1), 19–26.
Jakubiak, B. K., & Feeney, B. C. (2017). Affectionate touch to promote relational, psychological, and physical well-being in adulthood: A theoretical model and review of the research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21(3), 228–252.
Reddan, M. C., Young, H., Falkner, J., López-Solà, M., & Wager, T. D. (2020). Touch and social support influence interpersonal synchrony and pain. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience15(10), 1064–1075.


4B3A0588editAubrey-Dawn Palmer was born and raised in Farmington, New Mexico, and she has a bachelor’s degree in family studies from Brigham Young University. She has two younger brothers and is married to her best friend, Richard. In addition to her research on relationships, human attachment, and healthy sexuality, Aubrey-Dawn volunteers with her husband as a teacher for the Strengthening Families Program, is a research director for a counseling center, and works as a home counselor at a residential treatment center.


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Love is Spelled T-I-M-E

Written by Rian Gordon

Largely Drawn from The 5 Love Languages, Chapter 5
When it comes to relationships, time is money – especially if Quality Time is your love language. Here are a few different ways that you can invest your time towards building a strong and healthy relationship:

Quality Activities

Taking the time to really BE together can help your significant other truly feel loved. Doing things with each other that you enjoy expresses a desire to have fun together, and to give each other your undivided attention. When it comes to quality activities, Dr. Chapman says, “The emphasis is not on what you are doing, but on WHY you are doing it. The purpose is to experience something together, to walk away from it feeling ‘[They] care about me. [They] were willing to do something with me that I enjoy, and [they] did it with a positive attitude.’” (Chapman, p. 68) Along with this, Dr. Chapman lists 3 essential ingredients for a quality activity:
Photo by Bailee Brinkerhoff Morris
  1. At least one of you wants to do it.
  2. The other is willing to do it.
  3. Both of you know why you are doing it – to express love by being together.

Quality Conversation

Doing things together isn’t the only way to speak the language of quality time. Your time can also be well-spent in having quality conversations with your partner. Quality conversations involve the mutual sharing of “experiences, thoughts, feelings, and desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context.” (Chapman, p. 60) Note that this type of conversation is different from the love language Words of Affirmation. Where words of affirmation focuses on what you are saying to your partner, the art of quality conversation is rooted in listening. Taking the time to truly listen empathetically to your partner, and sharing in their thoughts and feelings can increase understanding between you and can help strengthen your relationship and love for each other.
If you struggle with this kind of connection and with sharing your own thoughts and feelings, know that having quality conversations is a learnable skill. Dr. Chapman recommends establishing a daily sharing time where each partner talks about three things that happened to them throughout the day, and how they felt about each of those things. It could be when you both get home from work, at the dinner table, when you lay down to go to bed, etc. He calls this quality conversation time the “Minimum Daily Requirement” for a healthy marriage. The more you practice sharing what you are thinking and feeling, the more comfortable you will become with quality conversation.

A Thought on Technology

While technology can be a helpful way to stay in touch with others, it can really get in the way of true connection. It’s important to realize that the key to quality time is giving your undivided attention. Even when our phones are in our pockets, on vibrate, or even face-down on the table they can still distract us from giving our true undivided attention to our partners. Having your phone out when you are trying to give your partner quality time sends the message (even if it’s unintentional) that what is going on somewhere else is more important to you than they are (for more information on this subject, see the references below).
Photo from
I know it isn’t realistic to say you will NEVER have your phone on you when you are trying to participate in quality time with your partner. However, I would recommend setting aside some time to unplug and put away the technology for even just a little while (my husband and I just recently made a rule to have no phones at the table). That time to give your full undivided attention to those you love will make a world of a difference.

Make Time

We are all busy, and it can seem tricky to find enough time for quality moments together. However, if your partner speaks this specific love language, intentionally making room for time together is essential. Don’t feel like it always has to be for hours at a time – remember the language is quality time, not quantity time! Taking a few minutes to really connect every day will make a huge difference. Dr. Chapman says, “We make time (for quality connection) just as we make time for lunch and dinner. Why? Because it is just as essential to our marriage as meals are to our health.” (Chapman, p. 69)
Choose TODAY to connect with your partner through quality time!


Chapman, G. D. (2010). Love Language #2: Quality Time. In The 5 love languages (pp. 55-72). Chicago: Northfield Pub.
Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity
Study: Smartphones are distracting us even when we aren’t looking at them
Addiction to Technology is Ruining Lives – Simon Sinek on Inside Quest


4B3A0538editRian Nicole Gordon is from Orem, Utah, and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Science in Family Life and Human Development. She has been married to her best friend Mark for five years, and they have two beautiful children, one boy and one girl. Apart from her full-time job as a stay-at-home mom, she works for The Dibble Institute, which specializes in relationship education for youth.


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